Le due Sirene erano sorelle, eppure erano molto diverse. Una delle due incarnava le energie quiete e mutevoli della Luna, l'altra incarnava lo spirito forte e vivace del Sole.
Legend says that in the bottom of the sea lived two Mermaids, holders of the magic Trident that kept the Harmony in the magical world beneath the waves...
The two Mermaids were sisters, yet they were very different. One of them embodied the quiet and changing energy of the moon, the other one embodied the spirit strong and vibrant of the Sun.
Tutti figli del mare, dai pesci alle alghe, dai fiori marini ai coralli e alle conchiglie, le amavano, perchè esse preservavano la Gioia e l'Amore, la Bellezza e l'Armonia.
Le due Sirene erano le Guardiane del Mare, e proteggevano le sue creature e i mille tesori dei fondali.
Erano buone e bellissime, ma all'occorrenza potevano diventare terribili e spaventose, perchè avrebbero agitato il magico Tridente, fra tempeste e burrasca, e avrebbero ridotto in sabbia qualsiasi cosa minacciasse la Pace del loro Mondo acquatico.
All the sons of Sea, from fish to algae, corals, sea flowers and shells, loved them because they preserved Joy and Love, Beauty and Harmony.
The two Sirens were the Guardians of the Sea, and guarded its creatures and many treasures of the seabed.
They were good and beautiful, but if it was necessary they would have become terrible and frightening. With storms and gale they would have shaken the magical trident that reduced in sand anything threatening the peace of their water world.
Se volete ricamare le due Sirene Guardiane del Mare e ricevere un pochino della loro magia, cliccate qui: The Guardians of the Sea
If you want to stitch the Two Guardians of the Sea and receive their magic, you only have to click here: The Guardians of the Sea