
mercoledì 11 luglio 2018

Little Lady Prim Sewing Set and The Ladybug Queen - FREE

Dear Stitchers,
Today, looking some of my old and never stitched patterns, I realized that even if I had never published them, they were cute. So I would like to give them to you as free. The only little issue is that the original models are not realized to show you how they come out when finished, so you will be the first to stitch them and the result will be a surprise, both for you... and for me.
The first pattern is a very small sewing set, consisting of a needle keeper - I thought it in a "wallet" shape - and a tiny pincushion.
The second one... you will recognize it, because it represents the sister of my beloved Queen of the Bees, the first pattern that opened my Bees series, published in the summer of 2014.
I drawn the Ladybug Queen on the same days, and I thought to release it together with the Queen of the Bees, but for lack of time I could not stitch it. So I postponed its releasing and I forgot it!
I found it today and since even now I have time to realize it, I want to offer it to all of you, to say thank you for the great support you give me, for the appreciation of my work and for the many many messages that you always send me and that fill my heart with joy.
So, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is my gift with affection and gratitude for all of you!
Of course... stay tuned because some very nice sea patterns are coming, I hope you will like them!

A hug and a warm greeting!

Care Ricamine,
oggi riguardando alcuni miei vecchi schemi mai realizzati mi sono accorta che anche se non li avevo mai ricamati erano carini. Così vorrei regalarveli. L’unico piccolo problema è proprio che mancano i modelli originali per mostrarvi come vengono, quindi, sarete voi le prime a ricamarli e il risultato sarà una sorpresa, sia per voi… che per me.
Il primo schema è un piccolissimo set da cucito, formato da porta aghi – lo avevo pensato a forma di “portafoglio” – e da un piccolo puntaspilli a cuscinetto.
Il secondo… lo riconoscerete, perché rappresenta la sorella della mia amata Queen of the Bees, il primo schema che ha aperto la mia serie sulle Api, pubblicato nell’estate del 2014.
Avevo disegnato la Ladybug Queen negli stessi giorni, e avrebbe dovuto uscire insieme alla Queen of the Bees, ma per mancanza di tempo non ero riuscita a ricamarla. Così ho rimandato la sua uscita e alla fine me ne sono dimenticata!
L’ho ritrovata oggi e dato che nemmeno adesso ho tempo per realizzarla, la voglio offrire a tutte voi, come ringraziamento per il grande supporto, per l’apprezzamento del mio lavoro e per i tanti messaggi che sempre mi mandate e che mi riempiono il cuore di gioia.
Quindi, grazie, grazie, grazie! Questo è il mio segno di affetto e riconoscenza per tutte voi!
Ovviamente… restate sintonizzate perché sono in arrivo alcuni schemi marini molto carini, spero che vi piaceranno!

Un abbraccio e un caro saluto!




22 commenti:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful charts!

  2. Thank you so so much for this 2 lovely designs. I love your designs, and moreover those for Christmas.
    Have a nice day,

  3. Thank you a million times for these beautiful charts! You are so kind and generous as well as talented! May you be gifted as well. I will enjoy stitching these very much! Love from Shari Witt

  4. you have a generous kind heart. i love your charts can't wait to start them. love and bugs Lynda Ruth

  5. Thank you Laura. What a wonderful gift!

  6. Thank you Laura, this is so kind and generous of you.

  7. I love the lady bugs, thanks for sharing your talents.

  8. Thank you for these delightful patterns. I so enjoy stitching your designs. These are special to me as today would be my Mum`s birthday but she went home to be with Jesus in February,so some memory stitching. The needle case can hold some of her needles she left for me. :) Happy Stitching.

  9. I love the lady bugs chart! Your generosity is very much appreciated.

  10. These are so cute, thank you so much!

  11. Grazie, grazie e ancora grazie!!

  12. Ho c'est trop mignon,
    merci beaucoup

  13. Thank you for the lovely patterns! One will be done for me...the cross stitched. The other for my cousin, the Queen, who loves ladybugs!

  14. I saw someone on Instagram stitching the ladybug pattern and knew I had to come and find it! Thank you for such lovely patterns! I will look on your etsy shop for others too!


Thank you so much, your comments make me happy!